The sold-out “DRINK Ft. Lauderdale: A Time Machine Experience” took guests on a historical journey of cocktails!

A little history?  ✔
Awesome bartenders? ✔
A cool prohibition-era warehouse? ✔
Incredible cocktails? ✔

Sobe Wine & Food’s (SOBEWFF) first foray into Ft. Lauderdale was a sold-out hit with guests and bars.

SOBEWFF turned to the folks from DRINK Miami for a one-of-a-kind experience in way of a time machine.  Guests were whisked away to different eras where bars from South Florida showcased classics as well as futuristic cocktails.

Bars included:  The Apothecary 330, FINKA, YOLO, Pawnbroker, Stache, Commonwealth, Tiki Ono, Repour, CWS, Lilt Lounge and Zombie Ice creating shaved ice concoctions.

The sold-out event was held at Ft. Lauderdale’s famous, FATVillage Artis District, the city’s answer to the growing arts scene in South Florida.  Guest walked outdoors where food trucks were lined up to give guests some delicious food before they entered the Time Machine. Guests then entered the warehouse where bars were decorated to fit the decade. Guest sipped on Aviation Gin cocktails as well as Oak & Cane American Craft Rum, Baron Tequila, and TKYU Sake.

Really looking forward to see what crazy idea is in store for next year.  Until then, we’ll be drinking our way through this awesome bars and searching for those incredible cocktails!


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